The miNEStry: An NES Podcast
The miNEStry founders, Archbishop Dracul and Father Avram, seek to inspire their 8-bit parishioners through methodical and ceremonial scrutiny of the library of games on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
The miNEStry: An NES Podcast
"The Immortal"
In this episode, we are reflecting on The Immortal which was developed by Sandcastle, published by Electronic Arts and released in North America in November of 1990.
Our visiting Deacon is professor, author of The Minds Behind the Games book series, owner of Legacy Comics and voice actor, Mr. Patrick Hickey Jr.
The miNEStry founders, Archbishop Dracul and Father Avram, seek to inspire their 8-bit parishioners through methodical and ceremonial scrutiny of the library of games on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
"Speaker Name","Start Time","End Time","Text"
"Unknown","00;00;00;00","00;00;49;19","Good evening and welcome to the ministry. I am Archbishop. Cool. And alongside me is Father Raver. Our creed is to inspire our parishioners with reflections on the Nintendo entertainment system. Tonight, we are reflecting on the Immortal, which was developed by Sandcastle, published by Electronic Arts and released in North America in November of 1990. Electronic Arts only published one other North American release on the NEA, which was Skater Di2 The Search for Double Trouble."
"Unknown","00;00;49;21","00;01;15;19","I never played it. Tonight, our visiting deacon is professor, author of The Minds Behind the Games book Series, Owner of Legacy Comics and Voice actor, Mr. Patrick Hickey jr. Welcome. Thank you, guys. Pleasure to be here in your excellence. We're really happy to have you. Anything you'd like to say? Any news? Any, anything coming up? Interesting. Yeah."
"Unknown","00;01;15;19","00;01;36;18","We've got a whole slew of great comics coming from legacy comics this winter, and this spring. You guys are fans of noir. Like stuff like Daredevil and Wolverine. We've got tons of great, like, indie comics coming your way. I've got several voice acting projects on the loose that I can't speak too much about, but I'm super excited about."
"Unknown","00;01;36;20","00;02;02;20","The minds behind the PlayStation two games is doing really well. Got six other books in that series, so still writing for Old School Gamer magazine. Write a couple of articles a month for them. So just staying in there and doing some great stuff in the video game and comic book industries. Well, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what you have on the horizon because it seems like you always have some crazy project going on and it's it's always good stuff."
"Unknown","00;02;02;20","00;02;34;16","So thanks for being here. Yeah, we're very lucky to have you. Thank you, Your Excellency. Well, I'm lucky to be in the service and gratitude of such humble, God fearing man. Thank you."
"Unknown","00;02;34;18","00;03;20;25","A testament to the creators. Will Harvey lead designer, Sandcastle founder known for developing the music software Music construction set for the Apple two in 1983, which predated Apple's garage band by 21 years. He also ported Atari's Marble Madness in 1986 for the Apple two Commodore 64, and worked on zany golf in 1988 for the Apple two GTS. I must say it's kind of interesting to me that for having a game on the cover that embellishes while Harvey presents on it, I would have expected a little bit more of a pedigree here."
"Unknown","00;03;20;27","00;03;48;17","The thing is too, in early electronic arts they went they were nuts for music instruction set and they were all about like the Creator as being like an artist. And he was like one of the first big name developers. So like they pushed him mega hard. Like if you Don Trager, the producer of this game, like they were all E.A. was all in on Will Harvey in the eighties and early nineties."
"Unknown","00;03;48;19","00;04;13;27","We should also mention that just for full disclosure, that Patrick has interviewed a couple of the developers for his book Mind behind the Sega Genesis Games. Is there anything you'd like to say about that? Like, I mean, you obviously sprinkle us with insider information, so to speak. Sure. Did you find that to be a good process as far as finding information about this game?"
"Unknown","00;04;14;06","00;04;46;08","yeah. I mean, the developers gave so much great stuff like EA, they were like mad scientist on the Nintendo and the Genesis, they completely backwards engineered the Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. Like they created their own cards. Obviously everyone knows for the Sega Genesis, but they tried to do something similar on the Nintendo but it didn't work out to the same success because like as you beautifully stated before, that, you know, there was only those two North American releases, but they spent a significant amount of manpower trying to understand the Nintendo and the Sega Genesis."
"Unknown","00;04;46;08","00;05;03;19","And I think that's the reason why this game does a lot of really cool things on it. And Tendo. So that's why when we had an opportunity to speak about this earlier, it was like, yeah, I totally want to talk to you guys about this one. Chime in whenever you like. So thank you very much. Thank you. Please proceed."
"Unknown","00;05;03;19","00;05;54;14","Father AVM, Brett G. Direct. I hope I'm saying that correctly. Designer worked on SimCity 1989 for the Macintosh. Use the programmer for that worked on zany golf. 1996 is the Genesis version and also Allied General 1995 for Windows. He was the executive producer for that game. SimCity. Man, what a what a phenomenon that was. It really was. I remember specifically in sixth grade, my teacher having this game on his computer in our classroom and he would let us play it every once in a while, like randomly, I guess when he was feeling like he didn't really want to deal with us."
"Unknown","00;05;54;17","00;06;32;24","And so we would hover around this computer like, look at this. I got to put this electricity here. It was really it really was quite something. It seemed like looking back on it in like playing SimCity for the first time, it felt larger than life. I love SimCity. I love SimCity on pretty much every console. The first time I played since SimCity was on Super Nintendo and then on I remember SimCity 2000 on PlayStation, which was just amazing because it just you were able to do so much more on PlayStation than you were on the Super Nintendo to go back to like what you guys are saying, like naming those games as zany"
"Unknown","00;06;32;24","00;06;57;09","golf in SimCity. Don Trager, the producer of this game of The Immortal, was also the producer on Marble Madness. So it's like and Don Trager was eventually a founding father of the Electronic Arts Sportsnet work, which eventually became EA Sports. So it's like the Immortal plays a crucial, crucial role in Electronic Arts, becoming the phenomenon that it ultimately is."
"Unknown","00;06;57;12","00;07;13;24","A lot of people like don't see that, but it's like having people like Little Harvey in their stable allowed them to like, really bring over other game developers that wanted like this type of fanfare and attention paid towards them. So it's like when you talk about the Immortal, a lot of people like to say, that's cool box art."
"Unknown","00;07;13;24","00;07;34;04","And this and that and the other thing, but it's just like it really laid the groundwork for the way Electronic Arts treated their developers and having them in a really nice way. Let's say this in a nice way because we are in a cathedral raid. Other developers like actually they took so many great developers from accolades to help found like EA Sports."
"Unknown","00;07;34;04","00;07;54;21","They took so many guys from Atari's at this time, the late eighties, Atari's only powerhouse division, their arcade and coin op division and bring them over to VA. So EAA was like in total like building mode and they took the best from everywhere else. And Immortal was definitely like one of those titles where they were like, Yeah, well we got this guy and look at how we treat him and da da da da da da."
"Unknown","00;07;54;21","00;08;21;06","So super important title just for that alone. Another title that comes to mind that came out around the same time. That was really influential for me was General Chaos. And they and they took those guys from Midway. Williams and I interviewed those guys on my Sega Genesis book as well. And this is the thing too. One of the reasons why I want to talk to you guys about Immortal too, is because when we think about Electronic Arts, we think about sports games."
"Unknown","00;08;21;09","00;08;41;24","Notice all of the great electronic arts games that we're talking about right now are anything but sports. So they had this rich legacy of non sports games that they just completely deviated from. And I mean, now I mean, they don't have that anymore. So but EA was founded on great games that weren't sports. And then they did this transition into sports."
"Unknown","00;08;41;24","00;09;02;13","They got the taste of that yearly rerelease of games and they started making a ton of money and they kind of left this whole thing that really set them apart in the dust. And immortal is definitely one of those things that got left in the dust. You're like a walking encyclopedia of early game development. It's awesome having you on here."
"Unknown","00;09;02;15","00;09;36;06","Thank you. Please proceed. Father Ian Gooding, Artist for Immortal. He also worked on Zany Golf 1988 for Apple TGS. A He went on to become a background artist on Disney's Aladdin and has continued to work for Disney on many, many films over the years and background art, character design and look development to include Tarzan and Encanto. Again, this is no surprise to me."
"Unknown","00;09;36;08","00;10;14;27","The art in the Immortal on across the board is unmatched as far as I'm concerned, which we'll get into in more detail. We will once we get to the graphics section, please proceed. Father Abraham Robb Hubbard, Composer. He worked on over 150 games, including Road Rash, in 1991 for the Genesis NHL 94, in 1993 for the Genesis CD and Wing Commander three Heart of the Tiger in 1996 for the PlayStation."
"Unknown","00;10;14;29","00;10;41;27","Can I just say how awesome Road Rash was? Such a good game, So much fun, a lot of replayability, you know. You know how they pitched pitched it game rate to Electronic Arts. How do they do that? They showed Akira the anime over really at at a pitch meeting They yeah they show Tetsuo you know writing the the bike and they're like this is what this is what this game is going to feel like."
"Unknown","00;10;42;23","00;11;00;12","I interviewed one of the designers. That's a crazy little piece of trivia, actually. Yeah. And he was like, That's what we did. We just showed them that and we were like, This is what we're going to go with. This game is going to feel like really fast and bad ass. He was telling me a story, one of the developers, he's like, Man, he's like, I would ride my bike to work every day."
"Unknown","00;11;00;14","00;11;20;09","He's like, I would just want to punch people because that's what we were doing in the game, you know? So pretty crazy stuff, man. That's such a good game. The music, the just the feel of it. It still feels fast. It's crazy. For a 16 bit game, they still feel like that. So the Immortal had mostly good reviews, scores."
"Unknown","00;11;20;09","00;11;49;16","For instance, Game Pro gave the game a 21 out of 25 while computer gaming world criticized it for being too linear for an RPG. Reviewers generally consider the graphics to be outstanding, and they're like we said earlier, there was a couple of advertisements and in a write up of the game in Volume 20 of Nintendo Power in the advertisement does not pull any punches."
"Unknown","00;11;49;19","00;12;16;01","No, it's it pretty much lays it out there like you're you're you're going to die. It really sets the tone, especially the second one. It's like it really feels like you're in that dungeon. Yeah. yeah. It's funny, though, too, looking at the advertisements and knowing what we know about this game, but it's like, Pop, take. Take it for what it is."
"Unknown","00;12;16;04","00;12;46;06","But Mortal Kombat, Diablo, all the Dead Souls Games, Dark Souls Games may not exist in the same way without Immortal. It's that's a really profound statement. We actually also mentioned in one of our previous conversations, Archbishop J Cool and I the similarity in a number of deaths are the ways that you can die too. Dragonslayer Yeah, very much so."
"Unknown","00;12;46;15","00;13;11;20","wow. Yeah. Like that. The creativity. But just so the viewers understand what we're looking at here, we're looking at an in an advertisement, which is a poster. It says it's not when, it's how, and then shows you a bunch of skulls that are pretty much destroyed in various ways that would be skewered, slimed, chomped, bashed, fried."
"Unknown","00;13;11;23","00;13;36;00","And it says the immortal Dead serious about living action, which is an interesting statement, but not even entirely sure what that means. But but either way. And then the second one that we have here, it says the quick, the dead, the immortal. So yeah, just so when we say that there's like it sets the tone like, yeah, it's not pulling any punches."
"Unknown","00;13;36;00","00;13;59;20","It's saying you're going to die. This is a hard game. It's, it's preparing you for that. I just wanted to say to, to address some of the critics that were unhappy with how linear the game was. The developer on the Genesis who also worked on any version, said that if you classify it as an RPG, you'll be disappointed."
"Unknown","00;13;59;20","00;14;23;20","He said, Sure, there's wizards, goblins, magic and inventory and battles, but it doesn't share other classic RPG features like character progression, random drops. He Goes Immortal is more about solving puzzles and advancing through the dungeon and the plot. It's closer to Myst than it is to Ultima. And then the producer, Don Trager, said it was an early attempt at making an adventure game."
"Unknown","00;14;23;20","00;14;38;06","Have a little bit more of an action component. We were in love with the gameplay, with the adventure gameplay of it, but we were trying to make it a little bit more action gameplay centric. So it's funny that like all these people were calling it an RPG because there was a wizard in there, but it was anything really."
"Unknown","00;14;38;08","00;15;04;04","But yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's totally kind of stands on its own. It's not, it's not really it has vibes of things like Diablo, right? It has those, it has the vibes of that. But it's not a Diablo game. It's, you know, it's actually I think this, this came out way before Diablo. yeah. Like Diablo did not clone this game."
"Unknown","00;15;04;04","00;15;32;05","This game really does stand on its own in very strange ways. Absolutely. Like other other games borrows so much more from this than it borrows from other places. You know, like, you nailed it. You nailed it when you said it has, like, echoes and flavors of things, but it ultimately, like, creates like, a wine all its own. Yeah, I'm not sure I've played another game quite like the Immortal, actually, I can say that too."
"Unknown","00;15;32;07","00;16;16;12","That's a good thing. Definitely. They definitely hit a lot of originality in this game for sure. Definitely groundbreaking for its time, but it's discussed the seven categories for which we execute judgment on the immortal category one is the narrative A reading from the manual. The morning sun hits the jagged peaks as you follow the forgotten road down to the valley floor."
"Unknown","00;16;16;14","00;16;49;00","The bleached ruins of great columned temples and towering citadels rise from the grassy plain like the bones of some colossal beasts. Surely this was the ancient city of error, not destroyed by dragons fire over 1000 years ago, more than the years spoke often of this city. Mortimer, your teacher in the arts of wizardry. Surely he visited the fabled labyrinth of eternity buried beneath the ruins of arena."
"Unknown","00;16;49;03","00;17;20;06","Perhaps this is where you will once again come face to face with your long lost master. This is a reading from the manual. I actually found the in-game story to be pretty good. I but that's, that's my pro. My con is the exposition is a little hollow. I really wish there was a little bit more of a back story for who you are and why I like you."
"Unknown","00;17;20;09","00;17;43;27","Sure. The only thing you really know about yourself is that you are a student of this wizard. But I wish there was a little bit more as to like who you are, and I totally agree with that. I think I think quite honestly, I feel like half of the game, like the story is good. However, half of the game, you're kind of figuring out what the story even is."
"Unknown","00;17;43;29","00;18;04;08","They kind of set you up here, right? And then they kind of set you up at the beginning of the game where they say, you had a dream of your master or something like that. But then the rest of it is almost kind of like fumbling through this dungeon, trying to figure out exactly well, to be to be honest, why you're even here to begin with."
"Unknown","00;18;04;11","00;18;30;07","And so I feel like by the end of the story, you kind of see the whole plot if you even make it that far. But but there for years I played this game and never got past like level three. So. So I never really got the full story until I actually decided for this review that I was going to sit down and grind through it no matter how long it took me."
"Unknown","00;18;30;09","00;19;00;28","And that's that's when I kind of got the full, full story at that point. It's definitely got PC game story vibes to it, you know, where it's like you have to read the manual before you jump into the game. One of the things like as a writer that I had, the biggest problem was with the story is that it's like a comic book thing where in comic books you have characters speaking, you have characters thinking about what they want to say that we can see."
"Unknown","00;19;00;28","00;19;27;14","And then you have monologue like, you know, monologue, narration. And I feel like immortal fumbles big time because it goes from the main character speaking. And then like this outside NARRATOR Speaking to you, and there's no differentiation between the two. It's like in the beginning of the game, like it goes from, like, you know, the main character talking, and then it goes to like, somebody else, like, kind of talking to you, you know, and you're like, wait a second."
"Unknown","00;19;27;14","00;19;44;03","Like, if you're smart, you can pick up on it. But if you're just like some like ten year old kid, you're like, Wait, is that the same person speaking to me? So let's be fair. The amount of text in this game for an adventure game and not an RPG, because now we know that it's not really an RPG."
"Unknown","00;19;44;06","00;20;16;12","There's a lot of text and there's no voice acting. So I feel like for what they were able to accomplish, it's fine, but it could turn off a lot of casual gamers that don't want to, you know, try and read between the lines as much. Well, one of the things that the story did for me, quite honestly, that I think is a plus, is that because of that questionable like third voice, it kind of gave the whole thing a very, very creepy undertone."
"Unknown","00;20;16;14","00;20;46;15","Like you didn't really know what was going on, which was kind of it was very enthralling. Yeah. Like what? Like in the very first screen, it might be a good idea to move. But who said that. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. No it's, it's very true. Like that third voice is really kind of like, like you said PC vibes there for, for sure."
"Unknown","00;20;46;18","00;21;18;09","So I have a question for you Patrick. In, in your book The Minds behind the Sega Genesis Games, specifically dealing with the Genesis version of this game for the Immortal in that chapter you mention a quote from somebody that compares this game to Bard's Tale, and you say in the chapter that the comparison I'm not I'm paraphrasing here, but you say something along the lines of the that the comparison is fair."
"Unknown","00;21;18;12","00;21;49;02","And I I've never actually played The Bard's Tale or Bard still, but I didn't know if you had any further insight on that. That just sort of piqued my interest. I figured I'd asked you about it. Yeah. So Dan Trager said that, and it starts off like to create some context was about Will Harvey. They said, well, Harvey had a lot of clout in terms of what when he was on a project and I would present it to the team for a yes or no vote, he generally got the benefit of the doubt and he said there was a history of games like this, like The Bard's Tale."
"Unknown","00;21;49;09","00;22;16;19","So it wasn't too far off. So like E.A. was a company that couldn't afford like a game to tank in in the late eighties because this is a thing a lot of people don't know is like the original John Madden football, which was developed by Robin Anthony. It was a basically a colossal failure on on the PC to the point where John Madden called it an abortion because it didn't have the right amount of players on the field and stuff like that."
"Unknown","00;22;16;19","00;22;36;16","So like EA had to be extremely careful. And the only reason why Madden ended up being a success is because they were able to take in an arcade style football game that they were creating and rebranded as John Madden Football. And that was the that's basically the John Madden football that came out on the original genesis that everyone acknowledges as the original John Madden football."
"Unknown","00;22;36;16","00;22;57;15","But it was not. So anyway, every time a developer had to pitch a game, they had to like kind of like hedge their bets. But the thing was, you know, Trager said there was a history of games like this, like with the Bard's sale, so it wasn't far off. EA was pretty comfortable with it at the time. I think they I think we were always trying to make it a little bit more action adventure, which is a little bit more of a crossover than your typical Barksdale style adventure."
"Unknown","00;22;57;15","00;23;19;15","And Mortal was more a kind of an action adventure crossover. So so again, if you read the rest of the chapter, they talked about how they wanted to action is the adventure game. So that's why I think the Immortal feels like a PC adventure game. But then when you have like, I mean, let's be fair, the fighting game mechanics, the music during the fights, they were trying to add that action."
"Unknown","00;23;19;18","00;24;27;23","So it's like it's like Barksdale sped up a little bit more and then adding compelling combat that really wasn't in a game like Barksdale, but everything else kind of feels similar to it. So that's that's kind of like what they were going for. Let us proceed to Category two, which is audio. My biggest pro for the audio is I thought the voice samples during combat was nice for the end."
"Unknown","00;24;27;23","00;24;51;25","Yes, because you didn't get that very often. Agreed. However, I found the music to be kind of middle of the road and the sound effects, in my opinion, just didn't hit the mark at all. I like the title track. I thought that was done really well. I feel like for the most part they were trying to do something that isn't really possible on the on the."
"Unknown","00;24;51;25","00;25;26;13","Yes. And what I mean by that is I feel like they were going for an almost an atmospheric environmental type of music. For one, you're just running around the dungeon and the chip on the end doesn't really play well with that type of style. However, they they did it pretty well considering what they had to work with. So although it wasn't great, I don't think that the environmental music that they if that's what they were truly going for, because that's the way it felt to me, it wasn't great."
"Unknown","00;25;26;13","00;25;56;06","But if that's what they were going for, they did a pretty good job achieving it, given the parameters of of what they had to work with. I really like the diversity of the soundtrack. Obviously, I love the opening track. Totally has Barksdale vibes. Definitely has like New World Computing Heroes of my Imagine King's bounty vibes to it, which another eventual E property they had."
"Unknown","00;25;56;06","00;26;53;04","They took those those guys over to the fight Music very high paced It definitely it tried it tried very hard and there's there's plenty of diversity it's definitely not you know on like the Konami or the cat Com or the techno level but it's definitely nothing to frown about either. Like it's like a hard six that's fair. But then it's perceived a category three, which is the gameplay, a reading from the manual."
"Unknown","00;26;53;07","00;27;21;11","There are many levels in the dungeon. Every time you complete a level, you'll get a string of numbers and letters called a certificate. You can enter a certificate to start where you left off. Vitality measures that special spark that keeps you healthy and strong. You lose vitality whenever monsters or bats inflict damage on you. When your vitality runs out, the wizard dies in each level of the dungeon."
"Unknown","00;27;21;14","00;27;49;27","You have three lives to complete the level. The labyrinth is a home for vicious vampire bats. You can protect yourself by casting fireballs at the bats to cast a fireball, press button A or B. You always have a Wizards pack to carry important items. Most items can only be used once and then they're gone. So be careful where you use them."
"Unknown","00;27;50;00","00;28;12;26","You may be surprised when the floor unexpectedly vanishes beneath your feet and you're left hanging above the rows of iron spikes. Fortunately, there's always a chance of getting out to swing out of a pit trap, press button A or B quickly and at a constant pace to get up or down the ladder. Just move the wizard up to it."
"Unknown","00;28;12;29","00;28;40;17","You'll automatically climb or descend. Be careful going down ladders, move the wizard only to the side of the opening with the ladder on it or he'll fall. Piles of straw. Provide comfortable, safe places to rest, to sleep, move on to the straw and just stand there. After a moment you'll lie down and go to sleep. Pay close attention to your dreams."
"Unknown","00;28;40;19","00;29;08;16","When a monster attacks, you must fight until one of you wins. Press B button to jab right and B to perform a forehand slash and left and B to perform a backhand slash. You can duck your opponent's blows. The trick is to lean away from the monster's swing so you don't take damage, hold the left or right and press a to duck as your fatigue goes up, you slow down."
"Unknown","00;29;08;18","00;29;34;19","It takes you longer to swing when you're tired, and that gives your opponent more chances to hit you. This is a reading from the manual. That was a lot to get through, but we had to kind of truncate that down, right, for the river. But we did. I was able to cut some things out, but it's just there's a lot going on."
"Unknown","00;29;34;22","00;30;08;11","There's a there's a lot in this game going on that they need to inform you of. Or it would it would be it would be a horrible experience. And if you go into this blind and you don't know this information, you definitely will have a horrible experience. Yes. And understate pros for me, as far as gameplay goes, is I feel like the game in its entirety really captures the essence of high adventure."
"Unknown","00;30;08;11","00;30;40;10","Well, like once you hit start and the actual gameplay screen comes up just in that first, that first little dungeon room you see like that, there's these weird, like little like divots in the floor and like, there's like a candle and it's just very intriguing and it kind of pulls you in. Which brings me to my next section, which is there are a lot of creative moments that really help sell the idea that this is a whimsical world."
"Unknown","00;30;40;12","00;30;59;22","Like in the thing that comes to mind for me is that gem wielding creature. And like, I think it was level two freeze in the corner. He's holding the Japanese like this is mine and you can't have it. And then you like threw dust on his face and he's like, here you go, take it. And, and then he like, disappears into the wall in a very creative way."
"Unknown","00;30;59;22","00;31;23;28","Where is the whole wall? Kind of turned tables in on itself in the corner. Little things like that. Little, little like little bits of flavor almost makes it feel like the movie labyrinth, you know, in some in some instances, another pro is, like we said earlier, with Dragonslayer, there are so many creative ways to die in awesome fashion."
"Unknown","00;31;24;00","00;31;48;23","The first time I ever got skewered by by one of those like spears that come up from the floor, I was just like, show it. Like, just that it it legitimately scared me and like seeing the guy writhing on the spear and then just going limp really well done. Some of the puzzle solving is kind of cool throughout the game, but it all isn't very, terribly difficult to figure out."
"Unknown","00;31;48;25","00;32;18;04","There are other reasons that make this game hard, and we'll get to that in a little bit. The Norwalk encounter. Awesome. That whole like, that whole room was just awesome. I loved it. Cons I would say this game is before its time as it is vastly more entertaining to watch than to play. I found the isometric locomotion to be slow and hard to control."
"Unknown","00;32;18;04","00;32;50;04","At times combat is gets kind of boring. I could never quite get the dodging right and it became more of an annoyance over time than it did feel like something I wanted to like overcome here. Here are the two worst things about the game. In my opinion, the bats are completely unnecessary and annoying. I consider them a design flaw, punishing the player for taking a moment to stop and think which is necessary in a lot of instances."
"Unknown","00;32;50;07","00;33;17;26","And I reject that. There is a strategy for defeating them in a reasonable amount of time. You might as well roll dice. My advice if you have a little vitality left, then you are entering a new room. Just give up and spare yourself the frustration. It seems as though the less vitality you have, the more ferocious the battle will be and the odds of killing them before they will kill you in that situation is approximately 3720 to 1."
"Unknown","00;33;17;29","00;33;58;25","That's a very specific calculation, Archbishop. It's a quote. Father Abraham, I can't even begin to explain to you how to control the magic carpet in level four. It's truly some of the worst controls I have ever experienced in a video game. Those are my cons. The physics for the magic carpet are utterly it's very, very, very easy to hop on that magic carpet and you're like, okay, cool."
"Unknown","00;33;58;25","00;34;22;28","Let's let's fly across this room. And then you realize that the the d-pad is not just directional, it is acceleration. And so as soon as you realize that, you can very, very easily get majorly out of control, lose control of the carpet, carpet, start ping pong around the room and you're going to die, no ifs, ands or buts about it."
"Unknown","00;34;23;01","00;34;52;23","You will die your at least your first dozen times on this magic carpet. Dozen. It's at least at least a dozen, I think. I think one of the big problems is everyone expected controlling a magic carpet to be fun when it actually feels like you're controlling like one of the skaters from Skate or Die or the bike from Paper Boy, but not designed as well."
"Unknown","00;34;52;23","00;35;17;11","Like I feel like somebody is like cousin that worked on Paper Boy or like Skater. I was like, that's what they did in this game. Let's try and, you know, let's do something like that. And that's the way a magic carpet is supposed to feel. So I think it's I don't figure in that. I think it's from Marble Madness, because it's it feels very much like marble madness on crack cocaine."
"Unknown","00;35;17;18","00;35;34;02","You accelerate very fast. It's it's but but but not when you first press it. So like, you're pressing the button, you're like, I'm not going anywhere. Well, wait, I'm going a little fast. I'm going too fast. The ramp up is way too fast, or it's sluggish at first, but then it just quickly gets out of control."
"Unknown","00;35;34;05","00;36;04;02","And then the isometric isometric camera doesn't help. Yeah, that doesn't help at all. No. So it could have been good. It could have been good, but it wasn't. The other things I'd like to mention in regards to gameplay is that the combat I'd like to piggyback on, on what Archbishop Gould said there. I think the combat I had fun with it at first, but it gets boring and it also feels clunky."
"Unknown","00;36;04;02","00;36;30;18","There is a learning curve there with the combat, but with respect to what they were trying to do with the game, especially considering the the limitations they have in regards to memory space and everything, I think they did it well, but it's still clunky, still gets boring because you do fight a lot in the game. There's a lot of characters to fight and they're also pretty much the same character."
"Unknown","00;36;30;21","00;36;56;10","You know, it's like things like four different variations of characters, three or four very variations of characters to fight. And then finally, the other thing I'd like to mention in regards to the gameplay is, I love the Wizards pack, actually, I love the way that they handled the inventory in this game. I thought it was it was different."
"Unknown","00;36;56;15","00;37;17;14","You know, it's usually that you have a spot in some form of grid fashion and this goes well beyond Diablo or anything like that. I'm not even just, you know, Legend of Zelda, right? Everything is usually like you have a spot in your inventory that is a series of tiles, a series usually a block of four, eight by eight tiles to represent the thing that you have."
"Unknown","00;37;17;16","00;37;38;23","And you just go and you select it and that's it. This was much more than that. This was very it was I think it was a very beautiful portrayal of of inventory in the best way possible, especially considering what they were trying to do. And I mean that for controls, too. It was almost fun to navigate in a way."
"Unknown","00;37;38;25","00;38;25;26","For what it's worth, it's so hard for a game that doesn't have established characters on a console the likes of the as to to allow the player to have any type of ceiling. So the fact that you know, you guys are discussing that the game was creepy or you were intrigued, that's very easy to do when you have Mario or when you have Ryu from Ninjago Island or Simon Belmont and you have like Contra or Double Dragon and you have these characters that like have this type of, you know, raw charisma that like make you want to play and especially with a beat them up or adventure game."
"Unknown","00;38;25;29","00;38;48;21","We've talked about this before. Critics thought that this was an RPG. It was not it's not quite an adventure game. It's not quite an action game. It has characters that were never seen before that were never seen after. So the fact that you even felt a thing playing this game means that it's a success. I mean, I can I can agree with that."
"Unknown","00;38;48;23","00;39;18;00","The definitely the atmosphere in the field that the game is is remarkable. I have to say, I don't like the fire ball mechanic either with the bats. I think I think that is aggravating, to say the least. I just found myself spamming fire balls in like every single direction until the bats died. Do you think that you guys think the game would be too easy without the bats?"
"Unknown","00;39;18;03","00;39;48;03","I think it would still be quite difficult. The bats for me, for me seemed more like, we can't just have them sit there. We got to keep the action going if we want this to be, in fact, sort of an action sort of take on an RPG game, that's what it felt like. It felt like a kind of like a last minute thing that they added to keep you from like just sitting there and looking at your surroundings and figuring things out."
"Unknown","00;39;48;05","00;40;16;29","I could be totally wrong. No, I actually would have preferred a couple of changes. The the encounters with the bats, as aggravating as they were, actually made me and made me sad that they didn't do all the combat in the isometric view. Right. You get you get into the combat and then you like you're pulled into a mini game to resolve this combat."
"Unknown","00;40;17;01","00;40;45;25","I would have liked it if they could have handled it all on the same screen and keep that chaos. And then while you're fighting something, you could get skewered by a spear, you know, and that would have been harder. And also, I think, more immersive than than the mechanics that they have. Just riffing off of what you just said, that me and Father Abraham Patrick had had a conversation about this a little bit yesterday."
"Unknown","00;40;45;27","00;41;15;22","And one of the things I told Isaac, it feels very much like a PC game on a console. That's yeah, that's what it is. Another game that that did the same exact thing was the last ninja. The last ninja by Jellicoe. And that was a complete failure. This one at the very least, is playable. Sure. When you guys eventually play Barksdale, you're going to feel very similar."
"Unknown","00;41;15;22","00;41;39;20","You're going to feel like it's. It's a PC game for for the end. Yes, I'm sure some people that play Ultima on the end feel that way sometimes too. But those games, you know, those games made it out all right on on console they're playable on console. So yeah, I'm very curious were there any mechanics in the Immortal that you like specifically liked?"
"Unknown","00;41;39;22","00;42;02;25","I like the fireballs. I just thought like if you could have used that, you guys nailed it before. Like if you could have used the fireballs as a way to like, not kill bats and used it for the goblins and the other characters. Like, if it would have been more if we would have been able to keep the combat in that main screen, like you said, like then it would almost feel like an isometric Legend of Zelda, in a way."
"Unknown","00;42;02;25","00;42;28;08","Yeah, You know, Or like a Diablo. Yeah, or a Diablo. I mean, because that's the thing. I mean, look at those character models. Does that not look and feel like the original diablo? Yeah, it's the DNA of Diablo for sure. Yeah. You know, so I would, I would much rather have seen everything. I'm not I'm absolutely not a fan of the mini game."
"Unknown","00;42;28;08","00;42;55;28","And then like this is the thing too I really think the the score of the game is really solid. And then when you go to the fighting game, the music changes to a very lewd and thrusting esque type of music that we won't discuss here on the show. It just deviates from that medieval theme to a very Homes esque style of of audio."
"Unknown","00;42;55;28","00;43;20;26","And it just it takes something away from what the game was going for. So that, that like really aggravated me. But I think the firewall on its own is a lot of fun. It's just it's misappropriated entirely. 100% agree navigating around the dungeon sometimes is a little bit more difficult than it needed to be collision detection And like, you know, it's like it's not it's not 80."
"Unknown","00;43;20;29","00;43;46;29","But, you know, there are definitely times when, like, you have to be a little bit too perfect when you're navigating around which which could get like totally irritating. But if like that was fixed and we had the combat system was cleaned up a little bit, it could be a lot more fun. It's like Diablo was like the fighting engine of like blades of steel, like in a medieval setting that's kind of like, you know, what it feels like at times."
"Unknown","00;43;47;02","00;44;09;09","You know what puzzle in this game was? To me, the most fun and the most frustrating was the room. I think it's towards the end of the game fire, remember correctly, I think it's almost at the end total end of the game. We're like, you have to navigate across the floor and if you step on the wrong tile, you get eaten."
"Unknown","00;44;11;16","00;44;38;10","no, I couldn't. I couldn't. I couldn't get past. That was where the game ended for me. Yeah. Because it was like had to use that that acoustic thing, the resonator thing to like tell if you were approaching a bad area or not. And so you just have to kind of discover and that only lasts for a little while that that tool in order to get the right pitch to see if you're in a safe zone or not."
"Unknown","00;44;38;12","00;45;05;23","That only lasts for a little while. So you kind of basically just have to grind through lives and discover this this path. I ended up once I figured out what the path was like, I ended up holding off on the tool and like walking the path without the tool. And then once I got to the area that was questionable, I turn it on again and just kind of like literally grind my way through this room."
"Unknown","00;45;05;25","00;45;32;22","Most frustrating room hands down, but also probably the most fun in regards to, I guess, a complexity. It was probably the most complex puzzle in the game. I'd say it just seemed like the little thing that you use was broken. It would always change tone. Sometimes it wouldn't change tone. I'd die, sometimes it would I die. I didn't know what to do."
"Unknown","00;45;32;24","00;45;55;05","Yeah, that's very finicky. I mean, I think it just goes back to, like, what we've been saying the entire time. Like, there was definitely effort here to try and do something that hadn't been done yet on the end of a game like this. Had, if it was released today, probably would have been repackaged a few times and been significantly better because of it."
"Unknown","00;45;55;05","00;46;17;01","After a few thousand people played it and went on message boards and did this and did that. But like for a one off effort, this game I feel like does a lot of things really different and a lot better than anyone else that tried. This is a lot better than some of the dandy games that that came out on the on the NTSC like before this and stuff."
"Unknown","00;46;17;01","00;46;56;28","So I'm just going to say here for the record, based on what you just said, I would love to see a remake of this game like, you know, still, you know, retro style, still still pixelated, but with all of the, you know, more modern bells and whistles, that would be a lot of fun, actually. Let us proceed to Category four, which is the graphics."
"Unknown","00;46;57;01","00;47;26;27","I said it earlier, but like the art and the animation on this game was eye catching. Like it was something you just didn't see on the any. You know, the animation was fluid, a touch of hyper realism. I suspect they used an animation technique called rotoscoping to get that hyper realism, which is basically the process of using video reference and copying every frame."
"Unknown","00;47;26;29","00;47;49;04","Obviously they couldn't copy every frame, but I'm pretty sure. They copied key poses along the way. Prince of Persia use the same method. So the modern day equivalent of this technique is probably motion capture. The interesting thing about it is games these days everybody uses motion capture and in a lot of cases it doesn't fit the tone of the game."
"Unknown","00;47;49;06","00;48;23;06","But here in this game it does. My only, only nitpick critique on the art is that there is no variation to the look of the dungeons other than color. Now, that is probably because all of the memory went toward the animation. Yeah, that's probably accurate. I'm kind of willing to overlook that. I think the artwork goes above and beyond what you would expect out of a Nintendo game, really by leaps and bounds."
"Unknown","00;48;23;09","00;49;02;24","They trick you in so many ways like that. The some reason when I look at this game, it feels like it should be on the set of yes and that really is just a testament to the amount of skill that the artist had because they I mean, it feels like you're not looking at like, you know, a lot most people understand the limitations of the three colors in a Sprite on the Anya's that's technically four, but the fourth one is always used for transparency."
"Unknown","00;49;02;26","00;49;33;12","So but it's three colors that you see on a Sprite on the screen. And when you play this game, it doesn't feel that way. It doesn't feel like you have that that same limitation as other games. I dare anyone to put that that final battle scene up against the first generation of these games. And some of them may have a problem identifying the immortal as in any game they're there."
"Unknown","00;49;33;17","00;50;23;04","I will go so far as to say there is nothing like that dragon on the end. Yes. I'd also like to interject exactly how much of a pain in the balls that last battle was. I know I'm some kind of messing categories together here now, but it had to be said. It had to be said absolutely. Let us proceed to category five, which is box art and presentation A reading from the back of the box."
"Unknown","00;50;23;06","00;50;56;02","When nightmares come to life, you discover you're not immortal. You're a mighty wizard in search of your lost master Mortimer. Venture into the dungeon and solve the mysteries of each level. Unravel all the secrets of the immortal Dodge slash jab. You control the action in battle, encounter animated creatures like you've never seen. Beware objects hold powerful secrets used correctly to survive."
"Unknown","00;50;56;05","00;51;34;05","Unleash magical powers to change, form, fly and shrink. Can you endure deadly traps, oozing slime and invisible monsters? A reading from the back of the box. So I really don't have any cons on this one. I would say the box art is like a really nice piece of artwork. The only thing that I have that I would say is it goes against that is the fact that it doesn't really do a good job of telling you what the essence of the game is."
"Unknown","00;51;34;07","00;52;01;19","The Genesis cover, on the other hand, totally, totally tells you what you're getting yourself into. It's a picture of the Grim Reaper with like swinging his side that you well, the cover of the end he has is an extreme close up of the old man's face. Yeah, the box art feels. It's nice. Done very well, but it feels cliche."
"Unknown","00;52;01;19","00;52;36;00","And I'm going to follow that up with this game. Probably set the tone for what I'm thinking as cliche. So there is that. So although I'm calling it cliche, it probably was responsible for creating that niche, as it were. I would say to that the mediocre box art was released in 1990 and the awesome, awesome Sega Genesis Box art was released a year later with the Genesis version of the game."
"Unknown","00;52;36;00","00;53;20;26","And I think definitely some market research. They definitely got some feedback from people saying that like, you know, Ernest Borgnine on the cover of a video game isn't going to sell it the same way that, you know ghost writer with the size would, you know. So without that cover which again I don't necessarily have anything against but again it screams it screams mid to late eighties PC game cover and the Genesis cover screams 9090s Sega Genesis So it's just you know it's it's it was a it was a learning experience and like I said before Vai was absolutely positively learning as they went through this."
"Unknown","00;53;21;01","00;53;53;03","So I'd like to add in regards to presentation, the manual is huge for in any game. It includes a tutorial for like the first level and drops tons of hints. The gameplay section, as I read earlier, is super long for in any manual. This thing is huge and I think that it's presented really well. Yeah. 33 pages. I missed that so much."
"Unknown","00;53;53;08","00;54;20;02","That's that's long that's longed for in any manual. That is really long now. But I did like the inclusion of the Codex of the serpent at the of the manual. I thought that was really cool. I mean that's more of a hints and cheats thing, but they didn't have to do that and do it in such a high production value sort of way."
"Unknown","00;54;20;05","00;54;49;11","I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. Actually, starting at six, starting on page 17, I believe is this is the the codex of the serpent. okay. Yes. And it gives you hints for each for each level, but not blatant. Like I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. Kind of it's kind of like very vague, which is intriguing and prepares you for what you're going for."
"Unknown","00;54;49;13","00;55;10;04","Yeah, it has a very kind of holy grail book type of feel to it, like Indiana Jones Holy Grail book, you know, the book that his father has. Yeah, it very much has that that kind of a feel to it. Even like a ranking and base like fire and ice kind of thing going on to, you know, I love it."
"Unknown","00;55;10;11","00;55;46;20","I love it. Yeah. The manual is very nice, which I think is all part of the presentation. Let us proceed to Category six, which is fun factor. Aside from what we've already established, the fact that it's intriguing that it pulls you in and that like you die in all these crazy ways and there's this whimsical side to it that keeps you going."
"Unknown","00;55;46;22","00;56;15;28","Here are my cons. I found it to be a chore to play just because of the amount of dying required in order to advance. Level four is the furthest I got in the game. Without help. To illustrate my point further, today is a Saturday Storytime with Archbishop Tickle and there happens to be a pending snowstorm. My yard is cleaned up in the gas tanks for the generators are full in case of a power outage."
"Unknown","00;56;16;00","00;56;43;06","There was literally nothing left to do but to sit and wait for the storm. I picked up my controller to play some more and more and pause, put the controller down and Contently stared out the window instead. I would rather be bored than play this game. However, what I can say is that from the perspective of 1990, this game was a head turner."
"Unknown","00;56;43;08","00;57;13;14","The animation and character designs are outstanding. It's an isometric game, which wasn't really common on the end. Yes, and it brought an arcade flavor to the Dungeon Crawler genre. So for that, I really appreciate it. Okay, So at face value, when I played this, I didn't really have fun. However, I found myself wanting to come back. This is so weird."
"Unknown","00;57;13;18","00;57;43;10","It feels weird even saying this, although I didn't feel like I was having fun in the moment and I've experienced probably more frustration than fun putting down the game and leaving. I was like, Man, I can't wait to go back and try to get through that level, which is actually kind of what fun, is I don't know if that's like I don't know if it's more maybe it's not fun, maybe it's more determination based."
"Unknown","00;57;43;10","00;58;12;12","But it it made me want to come back almost like a book that you can't put down, like you need to read through to the end. It had that effect on me, and for more reasons than just trying to get through the game for this review, it it really I had I had fun, like I said before, kind of navigating the inventory, finding these items, trying to figure out how to use these items, the time and the place to use the items in the right location."
"Unknown","00;58;12;14","00;58;38;06","That was fun to me. On its surface as a game historian, I absolutely, positively appreciate this game. I appreciate the effort. I appreciate what's in its DNA and how it influenced the video game industry moving forward. I'm not really going to get into how a lot of the people felt like Mortal Kombat stole the idea of fatalities from this game."
"Unknown","00;58;38;08","00;59;01;23","But I will say ultimately, this game, if I could sum this game up to someone, I would say this game is like finding a beautiful woman on a dating website that agrees to go out with you and upon meeting her at the location for the date, you find out that she is a proctologist that doesn't speak the same language as you."
"Unknown","00;59;01;25","00;59;36;13","So now you are across the table with a beautiful woman that you can't understand that could probably hurt you in ways that you've never experienced in your entire life. So now you have to make a decision. Do you want to try and find out the language in which this woman communicates or do you want to just leave? And the fact that you may leave and not know and she may not know why you're leaving and may inflict great damage upon you could be quite a situation, but it would definitely be an adventure as well."
"Unknown","00;59;36;13","00;59;57;29","So at the end of the day, it's like a little disjointed, a little all over the place. But like it's definitely different from everything else released at the time. The same way dating a proctologist that doesn't speak your language would be for a date. So it's different, it's unique, it's memorable, but it's not that fun. It's not contra fun."
"Unknown","00;59;57;29","01;00;29;10","It's not Contra Sprague on fun. It's not bionic commando latching on to stuff. Fun is not double dragon domestic violence to start the game and carrier away fun but it's memorable Yeah I think that's really what it what it comes down to for me like I that's why I had such a hard time put my finger on it like it's not it's not like it's really fun it's just that it somehow pulls you in like you just do your compelled, you know, the power of the immortal compels you."
"Unknown","01;00;29;13","01;01;09;10","I would say if you have a chance to play it different and play, but it's not for everyone. Let us perceived this category seven, which is typical for me. As I said before, the animation quality of this game is an anomaly on the end. Yes, and they must have done so many tricks to get that many frames into the cartridge."
"Unknown","01;01;09;12","01;01;33;02","That's all I'm going to say about technical. There's a lot to say about technical here, but I mean, I'm not not going to go. I mentioned a lot of stuff already with the physics, with the flying carpet. It just felt buggy at times. The I've some trouble speaking of bugs, I've had some trouble with the ladders where I'm sure that I approached the ladder from the right direction and fell down."
"Unknown","01;01;33;03","01;02;06;03","Anyway. What was that, by the way? That was awful. my God. It's like, yes, there's the end of the level. No, that's exactly that's exactly what would happen to me a couple of times. And that that was buggy. Just so we're clear on that, if you go down a ladder in this game and you don't go down the side of the hole with the ladder, you fall to your death."
"Unknown","01;02;06;05","01;02;22;22","You have to go down the side of the ladder. But even doing that, there was a handful of times that I tried to do that and fell down. Anyway. And I feel like it was sort of like I didn't hit it just quite right. And so it thought that I was on the side rather than actually on the side of the ladder."
"Unknown","01;02;22;24","01;02;45;17","It's an asymmetric engine in the anti. Yes, it's it's you know, there definitely did something different here. And I think in this case, it kind of it kind of breaks a little bit to to go back to what we were discussing before, what I was telling you guys about what the team at AEA was doing, doing backwards reverse engineering of of the Nest and the Sega Genesis at the time."
"Unknown","01;02;45;19","01;03;24;17","It's obvious that these guys did their homework in terms of what the NRC was capable of visually and under the hood. But then they're inexperienced. Designing console games rears its ugly head. So it's like yes you can, you can have a game that looks beautifully and does a lot more. But then again, these are errors that that you would really see in in a in a PC game and you wouldn't see so many of these in or in let's be fair, in an entire 2600 game than you would in any games things bugs like this didn't really you know they didn't rear their ugly head so much."
"Unknown","01;03;24;17","01;03;45;25","So again it's like it's like watching a young athlete that has all this natural talent and understands the game, but it's still kind of like realizing that they don't have to do all this or it's like, you know, to make a stupid, like professional wrestling reference, like, you know, you have wrestlers like their first year, they're willing to jump through cars and through tables and stuff."
"Unknown","01;03;45;25","01;04;01;14","And so, like an older wrestler is like, bro, you don't have to do that to tell a story. So I feel like technically the game is super strong, but then like visually it's super strong what they're able to do. But then, you know, a lot of like the, the things that they could have if they would have had a couple more seasons."
"Unknown","01;04;01;14","01;04;22;20","Members of the team on there, it's like you guys nailed it in the beginning. Archbishop Driscoll nailed it when he was like a little Harvey doesn't have that sexy of a resume at this point. And to be fair to him, it's like when I was speaking to the developers, they said people have ported this game on Nintendo and Genesis rarely spoke to Harvey."
"Unknown","01;04;22;20","01;04;41;22","Harvey did the original, you know, PC version. So you had a whole other team that was trying to take that code and get that code to work on the. Yes. So that could be another reason why I would love to play. I'd probably love to go on like abandon where and play the original PC version and see if the PC version has some of these problems."
"Unknown","01;04;41;25","01;05;09;25","Maybe they don't. Worth noting too, is the Sega Genesis version has an extra level compared to the enhanced version as well. So with the spider. Yeah. So lots of lots of stuff to think about, which is creepy as hell. I am glad that I don't know what you're talking about. We have found your weakness, Father Abraham and I will exploit it."
"Unknown","01;05;09;27","01;05;37;22","Just to wrap up technical, though, I think I do have to mention in regards to performance. The thing ran in spite of all the. The beautiful visuals, in spite of the animation. No slowdowns that this thing performed, which is remarkable. Let us proclaim the Henson G to go again a reading from the manual. Pick up every item you come across."
"Unknown","01;05;37;28","01;06;08;29","There are no bad items in the Immortal. Some items can harm you, but only when you use them at the wrong time or in the wrong place. Always search rooms thoroughly and don't leave any items behind. Important. Don't drop items you'll need later. Sometimes you need to set certain items down in order to use them. For example, you may use certain gems by setting them on the ground, but watch out if you set an item down in the wrong place, make sure you pick it back up where you leave or you won't find it in your Wizards."
"Unknown","01;06;08;29","01;06;35;12","Pack only useful items go with you to the next level. Some items only function on a particular level before you descend to the next level. The magic of the labyrinth will remove any items you don't need from your wizards. Pack vary your attack, never do just one kind of attack. Use combinations jab, backhand slash forehand, slash, etc. duck to tie out your opponent."
"Unknown","01;06;35;14","01;07;02;26","Good strategy is to duck your opponent's swings and let his fatigue rise. Wait until he's tired before you make your attack. Read every message you come across. Messages give you important clues that will help you solve the mysteries of the immortal. It's important that you read every message that appears. Not all doors are unlocked. If the door is locked, a message will appear, telling you whether you have the key or not."
"Unknown","01;07;02;28","01;07;31;22","Always search for items. You can search for items just by moving the wizard to the area you want to search. If there is anything of interest in the area, a message will appear telling you what it is. Remember, always write down your certificate. A reading from the manual. Let the hint I'd just like to add to this is that in order to get out of the pit, you need to eat to tap either A or B there."
"Unknown","01;07;31;27","01;08;00;27","There has been confusion where people think they need to tap A and B, I thought it was alternating so I would always die. I had such a hard time with that. Yes. So you have to tap one button at a consistent pace. Doesn't need to be super fast. It doesn't need to be both buttons. Just pick a button and tap it until you're out of the pit and it actually does work."
"Unknown","01;08;01;01","01;08;47;25","Like every time confirmed. I'm going to try that next time I play this, which I don't know when that will be. And now, brethren, let us offer each other the body of Christ. According to the electronics boutique Spring 1991 catalog of this game sold for 47.99, which, according to the data doubles stock CPI inflation calculator today is worth $110.13 in 2023."
"Unknown","01;08;47;27","01;09;21;06","That's pretty that's an expensive game. According to price chart income. Today you can find a loose copy of just Cart only for 1599 bucks, only for 2125 manual only 949, which I think is remarkable considering the size. I feel like it should be worth more than that. Complete inbox $40.63. And what really strikes me hard here, brand new inbox, $67.50."
"Unknown","01;09;21;09","01;09;47;29","That is dirt cheap, actually, for a brand new sealed in box copy of this game. I Feel like that's dirt cheap. And the interesting thing about it is that when you look at price chart income, the the statistics have risen like the price has risen quite a bit over the past ten years, like it's tripled, tripled in value over the past ten years."
"Unknown","01;09;48;04","01;10;12;26","But most any games, as you know, like, you know, you get brand new in box yields, like you're talking about hundreds of dollars. Yeah. I mean, I was looking a trying to get a sealed version of deadly towers, even though we sent it to hell. That was roughly 300 bucks for a sealed, like graded copy. You know what I mean?"
"Unknown","01;10;12;28","01;11;04;21","So this price is striking? Yeah, very much so so. Let us now execute judgment upon the immortal and decide which of the seven carb sins is committed. Father favor. In regards to narrative, what is your final judgment in regards to narrative, the Immortal has committed no fault. Deacon Hickey In regards to narrative, what is your final judgment in regards to narrative, The Immortal has committed the most heinous cardinal sin in regards to narrative and in the presence of this assembly."
"Unknown","01;11;04;21","01;11;38;04","The Immortal has committed a loathsome cardinal sin deserving of hellfire and damnation. Father Avery, in regards to audio, what is your final judgment in regards to audio, The Immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal, Deacon Hickey. In regards to audio, what is your final judgment in regards to audio? Immortal has committed no fault in regards to audio and in the presence of this Assembly."
"Unknown","01;11;38;11","01;12;12;06","The immortal has been spared. Father Abraham in regards to game play, what is your final judgment in regards to game play? The Immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal sin. Deacon Hickey In regards to game play, what is your final judgment in regards to game play? The Immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal sin in regards to game playing in the presence of this assembly."
"Unknown","01;12;12;06","01;12;20;08","The Immortal has committed a loathsome cardinal sin deserving of hellfire and damnation."
"Unknown","01;12;20;11","01;13;04;29","Father Raver In regards to graphics, what is your final judgment in regards to graphics? The Immortal has committed no fault. Deacon Hickey In regards to graphics, what is your final judgment in regards to graphics? The Immortal has committed no, in regards to graphics and in the presence of this assembly, the immortal has been spared father over in regards to the box art and presentation, what is your final judgment in regards to box art and presentation?"
"Unknown","01;13;05;01","01;13;35;19","The Immortal has committed no fault. Deacon Hickey In regards to box art and presentation, what is your final judgment in regards to box art? The Immortal has committed no fault in regards to box art, in presentation and in the presence of this Assembly. The Immortal has been spared father ever in regards to fun factor, what is your final judgment in regards to fun factor?"
"Unknown","01;13;35;19","01;14;11;16","The Immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal sin. Deacon Hickey In regards to fun factor, what is your final judgment in regards to fun factor? The Immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal sin in regards to fun factor and in the presence of this assembly. The Immortal has committed a loathsome cardinal sin deserving of hellfire and damnation. Father ever In regards to technical, what is your final judgment in regards to technical?"
"Unknown","01;14;11;18","01;14;57;15","The Immortal has committed no Deacon Hickey In regards to technical, what is your final judgment in regards to technical? The immortal has committed a most heinous cardinal sin in regards to technical and in the presence of this Assembly. The Immortal has committed a loathsome cardinal sin deserving of hellfire and damnation. I now invoke the talisman of absolution. The talisman is only used in categories of exemplary status and that I am doing for graphics."
"Unknown","01;14;57;18","01;15;37;18","I second the invocation, I third the invocation. So the talisman of absolution is meant be literally an accolade on one specific category that has the power to override one of the other sin. So this is this is very unusual. This hasn't happened yet. But that means wait a minute, now that we we had four cardinal sentence for this game and now there are three."
"Unknown","01;15;37;21","01;16;46;10","The immortal by the authority invested in the remedy. You have any faults which you have committed and hereby redeemed as a jewel in the crown of the Nintendo Entertainment system. This concludes tonight's service. Remember, our liturgy does not simply come to an end. Those assembled are sent forth to bring the fruits of the ministry to the world."