The miNEStry: An NES Podcast

"Kung Fu"

Archbishop Dracul, Father Avram, Jeff Gabor Season 2 Episode 3

 Tonight we are reflecting on Kung-Fu, a 1985 arcade port of Irem’s arcade hit Kung Fu Master and a launch title for the NES. Irem was the only third-party company to take part in the release of the NES with Kung Fu and 10-Yard Fight.

 Nintendo’s R&D 4 team ported Kung Fu and then went on to create Super Mario Bros. 

Tonight our guest is, once again, Jeff Gabor.

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The miNEStry founders, Archbishop Dracul and Father Avram, seek to inspire their 8-bit parishioners through methodical and ceremonial scrutiny of the library of games on the Nintendo Entertainment System.

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